Airports International ——2021年冬季机场行业杂志PDF下载 | 我读

Airports International – Issue 4, Winter 2021
English | 68 pages | True PDF | 16.9 MB

Airports International 自 1968 年以来一直报道机场行业,并因让行业了解最重要的国际发展和技术创新而享有盛誉。该杂志提供了一系列生动的专题报道,涵盖世界上最重要的机场开发项目的建设、财务和管理,并提供有关使这些项目生效的技术的信息。定期的行业报告分析当前的机场问题并提供经过充分研究的信息以帮助决策过程。

Airports International has reported on the airport industry since 1968 and has gained a reputation for keeping the industry abreast of the most significant international developments and technological innovations. The magazine offers a lively mix of features covering the construction, finance and management of the world’s most important airport development projects, as well as providing information on the technology that makes them tick. Regular industry reports analyse the current airport issues and provide well-researched information to aid the decision making process.


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