The Lady——2022年1月英国女性家庭教育儿童保育杂志PDF下载 | 我读
The Lady – 7 January 2022
English | 116 pages | PDF | 101.3 MB
The Lady 是英国发行时间最长的女性周刊。它自 1885 年以来一直在连续出版,总部设在伦敦。尤其以家庭服务和儿童保育的分类广告而著称;它还拥有大量的度假物业清单。
The Lady is Britain’s longest-running weekly women’s magazine. It has been in continuous publication since 1885 and is based in London. It is particularly notable for its classified advertisements for domestic service and child care; it also has extensive listings of holiday properties.