Outdoor Photography—2021年2月英国户外摄影PDF电子版 | 我读杂志网
Language: English | Pages: 100 | Format: PDF | Size: 30.4Mb
对于任何对摄影感兴趣并学习如何成为更好的摄影师的人来说,户外摄影是必不可少的。 致力于风景、野生动物、自然和冒险摄影 Outdoor Photography 是英国唯一的印刷和应用程序杂志,适合热衷于外出的摄影师在野外,看到鼓舞人心的自然,并进行伟大的冒险。当然,这些活动也与对保护和环境的兴趣密切相关。每期都刊登了一系列令人惊叹的照片,并由来自英国及其他地区的领先摄影师定期投稿。该杂志以其信息丰富且深入的技术特点以及英国各地摄影地点的精湛指南而闻名。
Outdoor Photography is a must have for anyone who is interested in photography and learning how to become a better photographer.Dedicated to landscape, wildlife, nature and adventure photography Outdoor Photography is the UK’s only print and app magazine for photographers who are passionate about being out in wild places, seeing inspiring nature and having great adventures. And, of course, these activities also go hand in hand with an interest in conservation and the environment. Each issue features a stunning array of photographs with regular contributions by leading photographers from the UK and beyond. The magazine is renowned for its informed and in-depth technique features and its superb guides to photographic locations around the UK.