Smart Photography— 2022年1月印度摄影杂志PDF下载 | 我读
Smart Photography – January 2022
English | 84 pages | True PDF | 66 MB
印度领先的摄影杂志 Smart Photography 每个月都会为您带来摄影界的最新动态。该杂志拥有丰富的读者群,其中包括业余和专业摄影师以及不断增长的摄影爱好者社区。为了迎合如此广泛的读者群,Smart Photography 利用新闻、设备评论、教程、Photoshop 技术、摄影师访谈、技术特征和摄影师组合等形式的原创内容。
ndia’s leading photography magazine, Smart Photography brings you the latest updates in the world of photography every month. The magazine has a rich readership that include both amateur and professional photographers and the ever-growing community of photography enthusiasts. To cater to such broad readership, Smart Photography leverages on original content in the form of news, equipment reviews, tutorials, Photoshop techniques, interviews of photographers, technical features, and portfolio of photographers.