The New Yorker —2021年10月04日美国纽约客杂志PDF下载

《纽约客》是由康泰纳仕出版公司出版的美国报告文学、评论、批评、散文、小说、漫画、讽刺和诗歌杂志。该杂志从 1920 年代中期开始每周出版,现在每年出版 47 期,其中五期涵盖两周的跨度。尽管其评论和活动列表通常侧重于纽约市的文化生活,但《纽约客》在纽约和美国以外拥有广泛的受众。它以对流行文化和古怪的美国的评论而闻名。它通过包含短篇小说和文学评论来关注现代小说;严格的事实核查和文案编辑;其关于世界政治和社会问题的新闻报道;其著名的单幅漫画散布在每一期中。

The New Yorker is an American magazine of reportage, commentary, criticism, essays, fiction, cartoons, satire and poetry published by Conde Nast Publications. Starting as a weekly in the mid-1920s, the magazine is now published 47 times per year, with five of these issues covering two-week spans. Although its reviews and events listings often focus on cultural life of New York City, The New Yorker has a wide audience outside of New York and USA.


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