【美国版】The Scientist—科学家杂志2020年合集(全10本)PDF电子版

English | True PDF | 10 Issues | 152.91 MB

The Scientist 是一本面向生命科学家的专业杂志。涵盖范围包括关于最近发表的研究论文、当前研究、技术、重要职业新闻、知名和新兴科学家简介、出版、研究诚信和最佳实践的文章,以及读者感兴趣的其他专栏和报告。主编是鲍勃格兰特。

The Scientist is a professional magazine intended for life scientists. Coverage includes articles on recently published research papers, current research, techniques, important career news, profiles of established and up and coming scientists, publishing, research integrity and best practices, as well as other columns and reports of interest to its readers.The editor-in-chief is Bob Grant.


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