Professional Photographer—2021年8月美国专业摄影师杂志 | 我读资源网
Professional Photographer – August 2021
English | 93 Pages | True PDF | 16 MB
100 多年来,美国专业摄影师的官方杂志《专业摄影师》一直帮助读者提升摄影行业的职业生涯。每期都包含专业摄影的艺术、商业和技术方面的实用而前沿的课程。没有其他杂志能对改变和定义肖像、婚礼和商业摄影领域的人物、趋势、产品和照片提供更具影响力的介绍。
For more than 100 years, Professional Photographer, the official magazine of Professional Photographers of America, has helped readers advance careers in the photographic industry. Each issue contains practical yet cutting-edge lessons in the artistic, business, and technological aspects of professional photography. No other magazine offers a more influential presentation of the people, trends, products, and photographs changing and defining the portrait, wedding and commercial photography landscape.