Aperture— 2012-2020年合集(29本)美国光圈摄影杂志PDF下载 | 我读资源网
《Aperture》美国光圈杂志是一本国际季刊,为来自世界各地的摄影爱好者和摄影师提供服务。 它成立于1952年,是Aperture Foundation的旗舰出版物。每一期都包含令人惊叹的图像、强大的文字以及在最高质量纸张上的精美复制品。
“Aperture” is an international quarterly magazine in the United States, serving photographers and photography enthusiasts from all over the world. In February 195, it was the flagship store of Aperture Foundation.Every issue contains stunning images, powerful writing, and exquisite reproductions on the highest quality paper. APERTURE is powerful photography for thinking people everywhere.