【法国版】Numero France —2023年1月时尚杂志PDF下载 | 我读
Numéro 是 Paul-Emmanuel Reiffers 出版的国际时尚杂志,发行量 80,000 份,法文版于 2009 年 2 月达到第 100 期。该杂志涵盖国际时尚、美容、设计、健康、建筑和装饰以及传播关于引领潮流的名人。
Numéro is an international fashion magazine published by Paul-Emmanuel Reiffers It has a circulation of 80,000 and the French edition reached its 100th issue in February 2009. The magazine covers international fashion, beauty, design, health, architecture and decor, as well as spreads on trendsetting celebrities.