Showdetails Riser Milano2023年春夏季米兰时装周T台走秀PDF下载 | 我读

Showdetails 是聚焦 T 台的领先杂志,首次展示男女服装和配饰系列中“与众不同”的细节。线条、材料、面料、印花、配饰、蕾丝、刺绣、装饰图案、剪裁纽扣、拉链、贴花以及秀场上新鲜出炉的每一个细节——近距离观察市场上最好的品质!!!

Showdetails is the leader magazine that zooms in on the runway, providing the very first look at the details that ‘make difference’ in the women’s and men’s clothing and accessories collections. Lines, materials, fabrics, prints, accessories, lace, embroidery, passementerie, cuts buttons, zips, appliqués and every details from the looks fresh off the runway – seen up close with the best quality available on the market!!!


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