Joy the Baker——2022年冬季烘培饼干蛋糕装饰杂志PDF下载 | 我读
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2017 年,我在新奥尔良的家庭工作室中创办了烘焙学校 The Bakehouse。 我一次召集十几名学生在我的大大理石岛周围教授馅饼烘焙、饼干制作和蛋糕装饰。 这是我发现让我的工作离线并结交新朋友的最有价值的方式。 现在,您也可以像我的学生一样体验 The Bakehouse 的温暖和友情!
In 2017, I launched The Bakehouse, a baking school, out of my home studio in New Orleans. I gather a dozen students at a time around my large marble island and teach pie baking, biscuit making, and cake decorating. It’s the most rewarding way I’ve found to take my work offline and to make new friends. Now you, too, can experience The Bakehouse warmth and camaraderie, just as my students do!