athome Magazine——2022年9-10月英国建筑室内设计杂志PDF下载 | 我读

作为具有设计意识的房主的必读书籍,athome 涵盖了从艺术品和古董、露台和游泳池、厨房和浴室到油漆和织物、建筑师和设计师等等的所有内容。 我们尊重经典新英格兰建筑的根源,同时提供真正现代的视角。

A must-read for design-minded homeowners, athome covers everything from art and antiques, patios and pools and kitchens and baths to paints and fabrics, architects and designers, and much more. We respect the roots of classic New England architecture while offering a perspective that is truly modern.


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