Conde Nast Traveler USA—2021年1月康泰纳仕旅行者旅游杂志 | 我读资源网

《康泰纳仕旅行者》是由康泰纳仕出版的豪华和生活方式旅游杂志。该杂志已获得 25 项国家杂志奖。 1986 年,Condé Nast 旗下的 Advance Publications 以 2500 万美元的价格收购了 Signature,这是一本面向 Diners Club 会员的杂志。

Condé Nast Traveler is a luxury and lifestyle travel magazine published by Condé Nast. The magazine has won 25 National Magazine Awards. The Condé Nast unit of Advance Publications purchased Signature, a magazine for Diners Club members, for $25 million in 1986.


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