Gray Magazine—2021年第57期室内设计杂志PDF下载 | 我读资源网
GRAY 通过围绕建筑、室内设计、艺术、设计和文化的引人入胜和权威的内容探索全球设计格局。 GREY 成立于 2011 年,总部位于华盛顿州西雅图市,是一家私营、独立的媒体公司。它处于独特的位置,从其位于太平洋西北部的有利位置提供不同的行业视角 – 一个非凡的地方,既是创新的温床,也是艺术和手工艺运动的持久支持者。我们屡获殊荣的、富有洞察力的故事讲述侧重于过程、工艺和独创性,旨在向读者介绍国际设计景观并使其参与其中,并将其对当代的影响置于语境中。
GRAY explores the global design landscape through compelling and authoritative content around architecture, interiors, art, design, and culture. Founded in 2011 and based in Seattle, Washington, GRAY is a privately-held, independently-owned media company. It is uniquely positioned to offer a different take on the industry from its vantage point in the Pacific Northwest—an extraordinary locale that is both a hotbed of innovation and an enduring proponent of the arts and crafts movement. Our award-winning, perceptive storytelling focuses on process, craftsmanship, and ingenuity, and serves to inform and engage readers about the international design landscape and contextualize its influence on contemporary。