The Artist—2022年4月英国艺术家杂志PDF下载 | 我读

《艺术家》是英国历史最悠久的实用艺术杂志,于 1931 年首​​次出版。该杂志由艺术家出版公司在肯特郡坦特登的办公室每月出版,每期收费 3.30 英镑。可以从报刊亭购买。 Sally Bulgin 自 1986 年以来一直担任该杂志的编辑。

The Artist is Britain’s longest-established practical art magazine, first published in 1931. It is published monthly by The Artists’ Publishing Company from their offices in Tenterden, Kent, and costs £3.30 per issue. It is available to buy from newsagents. Sally Bulgin has been editor of the magazine since 1986.


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