What Women Create——2021年冬季《女性创造了什么》WWC 系列杂志pdf 下载 |我读

What Women Create – Winter 2021
English | 164 pages | PDF | 160.8 MB

《女性创造了什么》是 WWC 系列中最新的季刊。赞美女性创造的地方,女性做饭的地方,以及女性工作的地方 本期的主题是什么激发了这些女性的灵感,以及她们的双手最终创造了什么……无论是手工制作的箭,其技艺是由她们的父亲传授给她们的,或是精通书法的通过无数小时的完美实践,或者从他们自己的或社区花园种植和收集的美味营养餐。

WHAT WOMEN CREATE is the newest quarterly publication in the WWC Series. Complimenting WHERE WOMEN CREATE, WHERE WOMEN COOK, and WHERE WOMEN WORK this issue is all about WHAT inspires these women and what is eventually created by their hands … whether it be handmade arrows the skills of which were taught to them by their father, calligraphy mastered through endless hours of perfected practice, or a delicious and nourishing meal grown and gathered from their own or a community garden.


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