Learn Hot English—2021年5月英语学习杂志PDF电子版 | 我读资源网

Hot English是一本学习英语的月刊。它充满了阅读、听力、练习和视频。学习习语、短语动词、表达、语法和词汇!你会学得更快,因为它很有趣!所有级别的英语(简单 – 高级)。在 Hot English 的每个月刊中,您将:学习 500 个新单词、习语、短语动词、表达方式进行大量的听力练习 + 听到大量的口音,阅读最新的文化、商业、音乐、电影、旅游和新闻。学习“真正的”英语,这样您就可以与母语交谈并理解。

Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way… if you’re looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you’ve come to the right place. Hot English magazine is a leading English resource. Its fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it’s spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there’s something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.


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